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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Protection from radiations - READ THE WHOLE THING

We can use magnetosoheres to protect the space city from radiations

The existence of harmful radiation in space is one of the most significant obstacles to long stays in space. Some of this is in the form of very high energy particles arriving from deep space, but the greater concern, by virtue of its much larger flux, is the solar wind emitted continuously by the Sun. This magnetized plasma contains protons and alpha particles  that can break up DNA and cause cancer.
So, we can try to generate a magnetized bubble of plasma (magnetosphere) surrounding the city created by the  magnetic field of the station.
These would separate out the electrons and protons of the solar wind, generating a separation of charge in space that would deflect these particles away from the spacecity
It involves injecting a supersonic plasma into a 1.5 m long vacuum vessel lined with magnetic coils, with a target magnet placed at the far end of the vessel. Using both optical imaging and an electromagnetic probe, Bamford’s team (who have carried out the experiment) showed that the target magnet deflected the plasma such that the volume of space surrounding the magnet was almost entirely free of plasma particles
To generate a bubble of  100–200 m across a magnet of about 1 Tesla would be required.


Anand Khare


  1. A very weird random thought
    but can these electrons be used for generating electricity?

    Also It's a lot like the photo electric effect if the protons are bombarded ...



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