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Friday, November 20, 2009

Important Calculations and structure-Sibesh Kar

We'll have to calculate the following:-
1. Centrifugal force acting on the inner surface of the settlement where the residents are residing.Force should be such that acceleration is always 9.8 m/s^2.
Centrifugal Force = Mass * Acceleration = Mass * 9.8 m/s^2

Click this to calculate centripetal force(note- centrifugal force is negative centripetal force)

2. Mass of the outer ring if Approx 21000 people are living in it.(21000 * Average weight of a man)+ extras
3. Radius of The Torus if it has to produce g and accommodate 21000 people in 5 square km of surface.
(so that circumference * diameter of cross-section is equal to 5 and the required acceleration for g is also reached)
4. Velocity with which it has to rotate, in order to produce g in relation to Radius.

We'll have to do this before anything else but the problem is that we have a lot of variables.We'll have to do it by trial and error so that each variable fits in everywhere and it is also economically viable(making the radius huge and the circular velocity less will be a loss because the more the radius the more the material needed.....)

We'll have to do this before anything else. To view the basic structure click this

Put your mind to it.....

Sibesh Kar

1 comment:

  1. Even though I have aldready posted this before
    This might help


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