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Monday, November 30, 2009

Human Factors

·         Offer attributes available to residents of Earth’s small cities.
·         Provide NATURAL sunlight.
·         Provide views of space outside.
·         Provide views of Mars below for residents.
·         Features in design of community facilities TO BE INCLUDED
-Parks and Common Grounds
-Transport Facilities
-Shopping Centers
-Business Parks
·         Community facilities and homes should enable mobility and access with PRACTICAL MINIMUM OF MOTION (E.g. Head-turning)-causes mild discomfort due to coriolis effects on existing space settlements.
·         Basic Services expected  in comfortable modern communities
·         Variety and quantity of consumer goods.
·         Public areas with LONG LINES OF SIGHT
·         Inventory of all consumable quantities
·         Means of distribution of consumables (food, mainly)
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Map(s) and/or illustrations depicting community design and locations of amenities, with a distance scale AND identify percentage of land area allocated to roads and paths.

·         Designs of typical residential homes (typical American/Jap houses)
·         Show clearly:
-Room sizes
II-Plans drawn to scale
Area limit - 800 sq. ft. (MIN) and 2000 sq. ft. (MAX)
-Source(s) and/or manufacture of furniture items, appliances (WHAT? Kitchen mixers…? Aaargh!)

·         IIAnticipated demographics of original population are:
Percentage of Pop.
Average Age
Median Age
Married Adults
Single Men
Single Women
Children (under 18)
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: external drawing and interior floor plan of atleast four home        designs, the area (preferably in square feet) for EACH residence design, and numbers required for each design.

·         Systems
·         Devices         intended for use outside of artificial gravity volumes-EMPHASIZE SAFETY
·         Vehicles
·         IIISpacesuit designs with stowage and donning/doffing procedures
·         Airlock designs for entry and exit to and from settlement from unpressurised volumes.
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Drawings showing examples of:
Ø  Handrails
Ø  Tethers
Ø  Cages
Ø  Systems enabling safe human access to any location/in low-g settlement areas

Automation services

First, family robots may be permanently connected to wireless family intranets, sharing information with those who you want to know where you are.

  • Can machines be built to be self-aware?
  • Are we even capable of modeling machines with such intelligence?
  • If so, how would we control it?
  • Who would really have the power?
  • What makes us think that we could even consider building such a machine?
  • What are the major technological hurdles?

Automation in the aresam:-

  • Caterpillar plans to develop remote controlled machines and expects to develop fully autonomous heavy robots by 2021 . Some cranes already are remote controlled.
  • It was demonstrated that a robot can perform a task.
  • Robots are increasingly used in manufacturing (since 1960s). In auto industry they can amount for more than half of the "labor". There are even "lights off" factories such as an IBM keyboard manufacturing factory in Texas that are 100% automated.
  • Robots such as HOSPI are used as couriers in hospitals, etc. Other hospital tasks performed by robots are receptionists, guides and porters (not to mention surgical robots such as Da Vinci)
  • Robots can serve as waiters and cooks . Some fast-food restaurants do not have humans take orders; instead customers use touchscreens to order food.

· As of 2006 there is a large robot development program in the US military. Ground robots and UAVs are already used in Iraq. Robotic border defenses are being developed in Korea, US and the EU.

It is likely that 20 or 30 years from now that the UN will make guns illegal in war because of newly developed non lethal weapons that cans be used by robots instead. (what's the point of having non lethal weapons in war??! that's not gonna do anything people, get a life!!!) Most of war in the future will take place in urban environments. The manufacturing of military robots that kill people will be considered a war crime. Unfortunatly, the UN's decreasing power and credibility, and their complete inability to outlaw WMDs so far will make this entirely meaningless. Countries that are non-compliant, such as China, North Korea, and several others scattered across the globe will continue undercover advanced weaponry programs. Of course, in the name of its own defense, the United States and the European Union will do the same, leading to a second arms race. It is also likely that robots with non lethal weapons will be rented or purchased by a country to keep the peace as law enforcers. Growing anarchist forces, particularly based in Greece and Eastern Europe will oppose these new robots and vandalism and citizen non-compliance will be a major issue.

Robots will be commonplace: in home, factories, agriculture, building & construction, undersea, space, mining, hospitals and streets for repair, construction, maintenance, security, entertainment, companionship, care.

Purposes of these Robots:

  • Robotized space vehicles and facilities
  • Anthropomorphic general-purpose robots with hands like humans used for factory jobs - Intelligent robots for unmanned plants – totally automated services will be commonplace.
  • Robots for guiding blind people
  • Robots for almost any job in home or hospital, including Robo-surgery.
  • Housework robots for cleaning, washing etc - Domestic robots will be small, specialized and attractive, e.g. cuddly

Properties of these robots:

  • Autonomous, with environmental awareness sensors
  • Self diagnostic self repairing

  • You stock portfolio automatically modifies your market position and executes "smart" trades for you.
  • Your car does your driving for you.
  • Robots handle your housecleaning, yard work and cooking.
  • Your groceries are automatically ordered based on preferences and patterns in purchasing.
  • Your bills are automatically managed.
  • AI tools that enable 3rd Generation "smart" search engines that allow you to get your information with more precision to help manage the ever-growing web.
  • Competitive intelligence is managed by smart AI agents the peruse the web to look for relevant information (new releases, prices, marketing strategies, etc.)
  • Drug researchers can utilize the intelligence for intensive bio-computational modeling in relation to the enormous amount of data from the human genome project to help find cures in ways never thought of.
some more important information:-

Physics has determined that it is also possible to bend space time in such a way that it can be used as propulsion, and infinite speed- while simultaneously allowing time to pass in equal amounts within the moving ship and the rest of the universe.

The physics of the spheres would be off topic, because the mechanisms are smaller than the nanometer scale. But their applications to ongoing nanotechnology research is on topic for general discussion. As they are produced in the lab, the sub nanometer mechanisms are controlled and monitored at the nanometer scale and above.

Sibesh Kar


Security Points-

1.A watch giving the details of the pressure, temperature.
2.News channels should be showing programs daily on the diet people should be taking everyday
according to the pressure and temperature conditions.
3.Diet charts should be made available in the various markets and information kiosks listing tables giving details
of the various types of diets people should be taking at various temperatures.
4.The air conditioners at every house will be equipt to counter situations like low oxygen concentration and low pressure.


THE PROBLEM: Aluminum shells won't cut it during a multi-year settlement.

The solutions:

1.Our  space city will be equipped with what's called a multipole electrostatic radiation shield, a radiation guard made
up of three, electrically charged spheres set in a line along the axis of the ship. The center torus, set close or even
attached to the crew module, would be positively charged, while two outrigger torus on either side would
carry a negative charge. Together, the combination should be enough to repel both high-energy protons and
electrons that would otherwise penetrate a spacecraft

2.We may also use a ship's own cryogenic fluids as a radiation screen by arranging the cargo
 tanks containing them around crew compartments.we need liquid hydrogen for fuel and you need water
And these are all considered materials that are particularly good for cosmic ray shielding.The atoms of liquid
hydrogen are particularly good as a screen for galactic cosmic rays because they don't fragment into secondary
particles as much as heavier elements -- like lead -- do when bombarded by high-energy radiation.

3.If we have a walkabout on Mars, for example, astronaut space suits will have to shield them against radiation,
 since the planet does not have a protective magnetic field like the Earth. There is also the added need to withstand
 Martian sandstorms, yet still be light enough to work on a planet with a gravity one-third that of Earth.One of the
 challenges is that we need new polymers and an outer layer designed not to react with electrostatic dust kicked up in
Martian sandstorm.

Prateek Arora