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Monday, November 30, 2009


Security Points-

1.A watch giving the details of the pressure, temperature.
2.News channels should be showing programs daily on the diet people should be taking everyday
according to the pressure and temperature conditions.
3.Diet charts should be made available in the various markets and information kiosks listing tables giving details
of the various types of diets people should be taking at various temperatures.
4.The air conditioners at every house will be equipt to counter situations like low oxygen concentration and low pressure.


THE PROBLEM: Aluminum shells won't cut it during a multi-year settlement.

The solutions:

1.Our  space city will be equipped with what's called a multipole electrostatic radiation shield, a radiation guard made
up of three, electrically charged spheres set in a line along the axis of the ship. The center torus, set close or even
attached to the crew module, would be positively charged, while two outrigger torus on either side would
carry a negative charge. Together, the combination should be enough to repel both high-energy protons and
electrons that would otherwise penetrate a spacecraft

2.We may also use a ship's own cryogenic fluids as a radiation screen by arranging the cargo
 tanks containing them around crew compartments.we need liquid hydrogen for fuel and you need water
And these are all considered materials that are particularly good for cosmic ray shielding.The atoms of liquid
hydrogen are particularly good as a screen for galactic cosmic rays because they don't fragment into secondary
particles as much as heavier elements -- like lead -- do when bombarded by high-energy radiation.

3.If we have a walkabout on Mars, for example, astronaut space suits will have to shield them against radiation,
 since the planet does not have a protective magnetic field like the Earth. There is also the added need to withstand
 Martian sandstorms, yet still be light enough to work on a planet with a gravity one-third that of Earth.One of the
 challenges is that we need new polymers and an outer layer designed not to react with electrostatic dust kicked up in
Martian sandstorm.

Prateek Arora

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