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Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I know we all have gr8 ideas on how to cut down on costs in all depts., but how to raise the initial budget for materials & construction of the Space City itself (Not to mention the cost of transporting at least 20,000 people)?? Even as far back as 1989 when George H.W. Bush suggested a manned trip to Mars, with a handful of astronauts, the cost came out to be over $450 billion, just to get them there.

In this day & time, & especially in the future, after inflation, more extensive protection, faster & better technology, & the scale of the project itself, the cost would be well into the trillions(!!).

So, any members who have a viable source of budgeting the project (other than the money taken from citizens) would be welcome to submit their ideas along with the figures in the meetings.

P.S. Plz. contribute as ideas are scarce

Dhruv Mathur

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