In a design that looks like a cross between a planter and filter helmet, the Bel-Air bathes the plants in a humid, self contained chamber. Dirty air is pumped through it and the plant itself scrubs the air clean of carbon dioxide (from Mars) and danger chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde. The result is plain old fresh air thanks to Photosynthesis (it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law).
So basically,the Bel-Air indoor air filtration systems sucks in dirty air and runs it through a plant's leaves, roots, and a "humid bath" before releasing it back , purified.

I've got an article that I'll bring in the next meeting....on Monday.
Here's a futuristic idea of a space city:-

Sibesh Kar
but how viable a solution is it n the long run and what about its cost effectiveness...??
Well it's extremely important because a population of 21,000 people will depend on its churning out fresh air.In fact everything in the settlement depends on the availability of Fresh Air because only then it'll be a proper settlement and fit for human beings to live in.The best thing is that it can take Carbon Dioxide(abundant on Mars)and give out oxygen using photosynthesis.Small units of the Bel-Air may be expensive but if we build it on large scale then it'll become really cheap.